
If you are a Premium Customer

You can obtain you Api Key from Agency Settings in the Hostfully PMP. That Api Key has to be put into the X-HOSTFULLY-APIKEY header. Example in the cURL CLI tool:

curl --header "X-HOSTFULLY-APIKEY:{yourApiKey}" ...

If you are a Partner Integration

If you are a new Partner Integration

You need to fill in the form and await instructions on how to obtain your Basic Auth secrets for V3 and sandbox account. Once we provide them to you, you will be able to start testing your integration against your sandbox account.

If you are migrating from v1 or v2 versions of our API

You need to fill in the form and await instructions on how to obtain your Basic Auth secrets for V3 and sandbox account. In the meantime, you can start testing our V3 API with your old authentication secrets.

Your old authentication secretes will still work in the sandbox environment, but only in sandbox environment. An attempt to use your old authentication secrets will result in 403 error in production.

Additional notes

If you're an integration be careful to not to develop your integration against the provided agency Api Key. API behaves differently for Integration Partners than it does for Premium Customers.